Reflections from the Chair and President

Reflections from the Chair and President

If MHIC were to have a theme for this past year, it would be best captured as a year of "transformative organizational growth." This past December, our Board Chair, Guilliaem "Rusty" Aertsen, retired after years of dedicated service. We welcomed new board leadership as Elizabeth Gruber, a long-time board member and Vice Chair, became our new Board Chair. Additionally, our long-serving board member, Dan Cruz, stepped into the role of Vice Chair. We welcomed several new board members with deep private and public sector expertise and a geographic focus in New England. New staff members who joined the team over the past year brought fresh ideas, new perspectives, and significant experience in community development and finance. Finally, we concluded our strategic planning process, which will guide us through the next three years.

Our strategic planning process was a comprehensive, multi-month initiative. We ensured to capture critical feedback and insights from the board, staff, and members of the community development field overall. From this process, we defined three key priorities that will guide us through 2026:

Community and Wealth Building: MHIC will expand our housing and community development financing and investment services to an increasing number of markets, with a particular focus on helping to close the racial wealth gap and address inequities stemming from structural racism.

Innovative, Scalable, and Sustainable Products: MHIC will continue to provide a full range of products and services that address the evolving needs of our customers.

Concentrating Impact in Targeted Communities throughout Expanding Market Area: By focusing multiple housing and business loans and investments within targeted communities, we believe we can have the greatest positive impact. This includes supporting not just the production and preservation of homes, but also the development of new commercial and community spaces that offer access to healthy food options, employment opportunities, and much more.

While strategic planning was a significant project undertaken in 2023, we were also thrilled to close on thirty-five projects throughout New England that utilized our various financing products. These projects produced or preserved 995 homes across a range of incomes and created over 154,000 square feet of commercial and community space. Critically, these projects will further support our racial equity and inclusion imperative, ensuring that minority workers and MBE (Minority Business Enterprise) participation and hiring goals for the properties we finance are met. Since our founding in 1990, MHIC has directed over $960 million to MBEs, including over $121 million last year. From our strategic plan to the projects closed in 2023, we continue to achieve great programmatic and mission success.

MHIC also welcomed significant engagement from our mission-oriented investors in 2023. We could not have accomplished our goals last year were it not for the participation of some loyal longtime investors in our multi-funds and proprietary funds, as well as welcoming new investors and partners from a variety of sectors committed to community development, such as healthcare, philanthropy, quasi-public, and public sector agencies. Their support made it possible to produce or preserve 995 homes and over 154,000 square feet of commercial and community space across 35 projects. Overall, $138,607,555 in new investments was raised for our federal, state, and New Market tax credit programs in 2023. These investments contributed to our achieving over $2.15 billion in total financing for affordable housing and community development since our founding.

In closing, much of 2023’s work, especially regarding our strategic planning process, can already be recognized in the first quarter of 2024. MHIC was honored to partner with MassHousing to manage the Equitable Developers Program, which is the nation’s largest publicly funded program of its kind, offering Working Capital Lines of Credit and Standby Letters of Credit—products designed to break down traditional barriers of entry into the real estate development industry. We completed a comprehensive review of our organization’s structure that will be implemented over the course of this year. We also closed the largest single-asset investment in our 34-year history: Curtis Apartments Phase One, with a $41 million LIHTC and $13.6 million State LIHTC investment in the project. Already, 2024 is shaping up to be a wonderful year for our organization as we continue to increase our impact from our planning efforts in 2023.

Elizabeth Gruber

Board Chair

Moddie Turay

President & CEO

Affordable Housing

117 Union Street

New Bedford, MA

The project involves the creation of 45 units of mixed-income rental housing for families and individuals through the adaptive reuse of a historic building and new construction of a 5-story building on a vacant parcel.

Affordable Housing Creation: new construction of 32 units of affordable housing and 13 units of moderate/workforce housing; Downtown Revitalization: the project will complement other recent initiatives in downtown New Bedford, such as streetscape improvements, private redevelopment of historic structures, and other planned investments in New Bedford, including the new commuter rail station that is currently under construction.
Affordable Housing

135 Dudley

Boston, MA

Development of a City-owned site in the heart of Nubian Square into two mixed-use and mixed-income buildings containing 170 market and affordable housing units, commercial space and parking garage. The buildings will be located along a newly constructed plaza with improved pedestrian access linking the site to the adjacent Boston Public Library and Boys and Girls Club.

Affordable Housing Creation; Neighborhood Revitalization
Healthy Communities

500 Talbot Avenue

Boston, MA

500 Talbot Avenue is a new transit-oriented development. This project will create 42 units of mixed-income housing and two ground floor retail spaces.

Affordable Housing Creation: 15 new Workforce Housing Units; Implementing Community Vision
Healthy Communities

About Fresh

Boston, MA

About Fresh is developing a new South Boston headquarters to facilitate further growth of its Fresh Truck and Fresh Connect programs. Their new headquarters and warehouse will provide ample space for the new employees required to expand Fresh Truck and Fresh Connect to serve more people and families. Additionally, the new space will increase the capacity of About Fresh’s warehouse to better meet the needs of its Fresh Truck program, while remaining near its mobile market locations.

Visibility and healthy produce awareness; affordable healthy food access; addresses food insecurity within community.
Affordable Housing

Agawam Village

Ipswich, MA

The Agawam Village project involves the rehabilitation and modernization of seven residential buildings originally constructed in 1979 containing a total of 94 units. Three of the buildings contain a total of 14 family townhouse style units and four of the buildings contain 80 total units dedicated to senior households.

Affordable housing preservation: 91 affordable housing units are being modernized, 80 of which serve senior/elderly population.
Affordable Housing

Amethyst Brook Apartments

Pelham, MA

The Amethyst Brook Apartments project includes the creation of 34 units of low-income rental housing for families and individuals through the new construction of two buildings.

Affordable Housing Creation: new construction of 34 units of affordable housing.
Affordable Housing

Anchor Point II

Beverly, MA

Anchor Point II is the new construction of a 39-unit building. It is the second phase of the larger Anchor Point project that also includes the 38-unit Phase 1 rental building and an adjacent Community & Wellness Center.

Affordable housing creation: 39 new family units
Healthy Communities

Community MusicWorks Center

Providence, RI

The Community MusicWorks Center is a new 24,000 square foot facility that will host Community MusicWorks’ award-winning free after-school music programming.

Community Services and Enhanced Education Outcomes; Neighborhood Revitalization & Community Engagement
Affordable Housing

Cruz DC New Bedford Acquisitions

New Bedford, MA

Cruz Development Corporation (“Cruz DC”) acquired four vacant parcels in order to develop an 87-unit, scattered site, single LIHTC project. Three of the properties are improved by historic structures and one is a blighted vacant parcel of land.

Affordable Housing Creation: 65 apartments affordable to households earning between 30% AMI and 80% AMI; Neighborhood Revitalization: The project will rehabilitate three vacant historic structures.
Affordable Housing

Elizabeth Brook Apartments

Stow, MA

The Elizabeth Brook Apartments project includes the renovation of an existing 50 units of affordable elderly housing in six 2-story walkup residential buildings and a 1-story clubhouse building developed in 1983. The project also includes a two-bedroom free-standing, 1-story single family home built in 1915 that will also be renovated. In addition, 37 units will be newly constructed in one 3-story elevator building with common areas.

Affordable Housing Creation: The preservation of 50 units and the creation of 38 units of restricted affordable rental housing for elderly households aged 62+ with incomes at or below 60% of AMI.
Healthy Communities

Fair Haven Community Health Care

New Haven, CT

The Fair Haven Community Health Care project includes the construction of a new 33,700 square foot community health center facility for Fair Haven Community Health Clinic.

Economic Opportunity: Creating 50-60 jobs, all above living wages with benefits; Enhancing Health Outcomes: Capacity to serve 5,600 more patient visits annually.
Affordable Housing

Fitchburg Arts Community

Fitchburg, MA

The Fitchburg Arts Community project involves the creation of 68 units of mixed-income rental housing for families and individuals with a preference for artists, plus community gallery space and artist studio space. The development involves the adaptive reuse of three historic buildings adjacent to the Fitchburg Arts Museum and will create an arts-focused campus.

Affordable Housing Creation: 68 new mixed-income housing units; Implementing Community Vision and Neighborhood Revitalization: Fitchburg Artists Community is part of a larger downtown revitalization plan driven by a partnership of residents, businesses, and public officials called ReImagine North of Main.
Affordable Housing

LeClair Village

Mashpee, MA

LeClair Village will create 39 units of affordable family housing in three newly constructed buildings. The project is led by the Preservation of Affordable Housing in partnership with Housing Assistance Corporation.

Affordable Housing Creation: 39 affordable apartments are being created with eight units restricted to households earning at or below 30% of AMI and 31 units restricted to households earning at or below 60% of AMI.
Affordable Housing

Merrimack Corner

Haverhill, MA

Merrimack Corner is the new construction of 48 units of affordable rental housing for seniors. The development will include a newly constructed 5-story building on vacant land adjacent to the existing Merrivista property, a senior residential building owned by Bethany Community Services.

Affordable Housing Creation: 48 new affordable rental housing units for seniors.
Healthy Communities

NorthStar Learning Center

New Bedford, MA

NorthStar Learning Center is a 17,500 square foot state-of-the-art early education and community center. The Center is designed to serve young children with a range of developmental needs. The new building will eliminate two outdated, cramped facilities, and nearly double current enrollment capacity.

Economic Opportunity: 93% increase in infant, toddler, and preschool child-care spaces for low-income families who need this resource to continue working, to find work, and/or to increase job skills; Community Service or Facilities: The project provides a new, state-of-the-art early education and care center that incorporates community spaces and programming for entrepreneurs, artists, gardeners, teachers, children and families.
Healthy Communities

Northampton Residences

Boston, MA

Northampton Residences is a new transit-oriented development located in the Lower Roxbury neighborhood of Boston. This development will result in the creation of 47 affordable homeownership condominiums available to households earning up to 100% of the Area Median Income.

Affordable Housing: Creation of 47 homeownership units for households earning at or below 100% of AMI.
Affordable Housing

Prospect Estates Resyndication

Webster, MA

The Prospect Estates Resyndication project involves the historic rehabilitation of two mid-rise multifamily buildings. The development will preserve 25 units of affordable housing.

Affordable Housing Preservation: 25 units of housing for 30% AMI, 50% AMI, and 60% AMI households.
Affordable Housing

Rosewood Way

Agawam, MA

The Rosewood Way project comprises the new construction of 10 townhome-style buildings containing 62 units, and a standalone community building. The project will increase the supply of affordable and mixed-income housing in a suburban area with a high demand for affordable rental housing, but limited affordable housing stock.

Affordable Housing Creation: 47 LIHTC and 10 workforce units.
Racial Equity & Inclusion

UTEC Woodworking Social Enterprise Center

Lowell, MA

The United Teen Equality Center (UTEC) Woodworking Center will expand UTEC’s Woodworking Social Enterprise program. This highly successful job training program helps transform the lives of youth ages 17-25 who are out of school and have been involved with gangs or are returning from incarceration. The project will renovate and fit out two buildings into classroom and additional program space and allow UTEC to purchase additional specialized equipment.

Community Impact: Increase the number of proven-risk young adults that UTEC can serve in its transformative social enterprise program by 179% and better serve those young adults.
Affordable Housing

Van der Heyden

Springfield, MA

The Van Der Heyden project involves the preservation of a single high rise multifamily building containing 45 units.

Affordable Housing Preservation: 45 units of housing for very- and extremely-low-income households.
Affordable Housing

Village at Park River Phase V

Hartford, CT

Village at Park River Phase V includes the new construction of 58 units of affordable and market rate housing. The project is one phase of a six-phase development that includes the overall new construction of over 400 homes.

Affordable housing creation: 58 mixed-income units (46 affordable); Neighborhood revitalization: redevelopment of Westbrook Village.
Affordable Housing

Whipple Real Estate, LLC

Haverhill, MA

Acquisition financing for a 6-unit multifamily property. All the units are large 1-bedroom,1-bathroom apartments with below market rents. Two of the units will be reserved for tenants with Section 8 vouchers.

Affordable Housing; Strengthening Minority Businesses
Healthy Communities

Yellow Barn Business Accelerator

Hardwick, VT

The Yellow Barn Business Accelerator is the culmination of a six-year effort spearheaded by the Town of Hardwick and the project sponsors. The town purchased the iconic “Yellow Barn” and the 4-acre site in 2019 to repurpose for economic development. The core mission of the project is to strengthen the regional farm- and food-based economy by supporting the growth of agricultural businesses, promoting development of new products, and increasing export to external markets. The 6,172 square foot historic barn, which is listed on the state’s historic register, also will be preserved and renovated into a retail destination by Cabot Creamery for its signature cheeses and to showcase other local agricultural products.

Downtown Revitalization; Economic Opportunity; Community Services and Facilities; Implementing Community Vision